The short answer is no. Therapy focuses on the emotional process of acute and immediate challenges the client or patient might be facing. It also focuses on the underlying factors that contribute to long-standing patterns of behavior.
Transition Counseling and Coaching is based on actionable plans and strategies that clients can follow to identify and achieve goals while managing acute or chronic limitations due to mental health, chronic illness, or neurodivergent profiles. We focus on individual values and work to create identity-based goals. The therapeutic component of the work comes in when we begin discussing the emotional barriers of pursuing your goals. Oftentimes, folks don’t realize that their own anxiety, perfectionism, and fear stand between them and their goals. We work together to decrease the barrier.
Due to the delicate balance of managing one’s health while really going for your goals, there is always a therapeutic foundation to the work. First, we identify whether “it” is actually the goal, then we approach goals or the health issue that is the primary barrier to success. We work to reduce the barrier before designing an action plan. You will meet with your counselor 1-2 times per week (though this is flexible) to strategize actionable steps, follow up on said action items, and find a sustainable solution going forward.
Young adults are frequently asked to adapt quickly to the ever changing landscape of today’s modern world. We have found that when our clients learn to do the work to understand their own values and beliefs, they feel more confident in who they are and can remain constant and steady throughout the inevitable changes that life throws their way.
We have worked with folks who present with Neurodivergent profiles and/or mental and/or physical chronic illnesses. Many of our clients have found that whatever they are presenting with has interfered with living a life in alignment with their goals. Whether it is having difficulty breaking a tough pattern of procrastination, not knowing what goals they have, or narrowing down a direction in life, or needing more structure and accountability around pursuing their identified goal (ie. support with job/college/graduate school applications and follow through.)
Due to the vocational and educational nature of our services insurance does not cover them. However, we have had success with folks getting reimbursed when submitting a Superbill which we can provide upon request.
Currently, all of our services are virtual. This allows us to work with folks all over the country and beyond as they make big transitions - moving back home, away to college or to a new city for a job or work opportunity!
Feeling stuck? We’re here to help.